Merrow Schools Federation

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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Merrow CofE Infant School - Kingfisher Drive, Guildford GU4 7EA | | 01483 561501
Merrow Junior School - Sheeplands Ave, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2SG | | 01483 598544,

01483 561501, 01483 598544

Merrow Schools Federation

Together We Grow


Admission & Waiting List Information (Reception to Year 6)

To arrange a visit or find out more about our schools please ring the relevant school office:

Surrey County Council is the admission authority for Merrow CofE (controlled) Infant School

Merrow Junior School is its own admissions authority.


To find up to date information about the school's admission arrangements and details on how to apply, either as part of the normal intake or during the school year and information on how to appeal, please click here to visit the Surrey County Council website. 
If you do not have internet access at home you can use the internet at your local library for free (telephone 0300 200 1001 to book a computer), an internet café or possibly at your place of work (with permission). For enquiries contact Surrey on: 0300 200 1004

Determined Admissions Arrangements for Merrow Junior School


CONSULTATION to move PAN to 30 from September 2026



In Year Applications

For information regarding how to make an in-year application (i.e. not part of the September intake for Reception or Year R) please click on the following link: 
Apply for an in year school place - Surrey County Council ( 

Please note there are two different types of application forms when applying for an in-year school place.  You will need to complete a CMA application form
Please follow all the steps on the Surrey County Council website to ensure you do not miss any vital information that may delay your application.
Once Surrey County Council have received your application form they have 5 working days to contact the school advising us of your request. 
The school will then have 10 school days to advise Surrey County Council whether we can offer a place.  At the same time we will contact you to advise you whether we can make an offer or whether we have added your child to the relevant waiting list.  
 If you receive an offer letter, you will have 2 weeks to respond to accept or decline the place. 
If you receive a letter advising you that we cannot offer you a place you can contact us to find out the position of your child on our waiting list. 


Waiting Lists

Waiting lists are cancelled at the end of July each year. Applicants who wish a child to go on the waiting list for the 2023/24 academic year must reapply for in year admission through Surrey County Council. Applications received after the end of July 2023 will be added to the waiting list as soon as they have been processed.


If you have been unsuccessful in gaining a place at Merrow Infants or Merrow Junior School and you wish to lodge an appeal, please visit the Surrey Schools Appeals website at or call 0208 541 9029 for further information. The Surrey Appeals Service administers the appeal process for the school. Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.


Appeals Timetable for September 2025 entry

Applying for Secondary School

Information will be updated in September 2025

Surrey Family Information Service

This service provides free information, advice and assistance for families, children and young people in Surrey aged 0-19 years old (up to 25 years old for people with special educational need). This includes up to date information about childcare, early education and financial help that can be accessed by internet, email, telephone and outreach services. They also have a Family Information Directory containing details of services and events for families. Telephone 0300 200 1004 email: